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A customer favorite, we're very well known for this selection. Black tea loaded with locally-grown wild Maine blueberries. Very popular in our shop year round, it tastes great served hot or iced. 


Contains: Organic black tea, local wild Maine blueberries, flower petals, natural flavor

Note: We offer multiple Blueberry selections - please make note when ordering.


Comes in a box of 15 individually wrapped teabags. 


Designed to impart the full flavor nature intended, the pyramid shape allows space for the whole-leaf to brew. All-natural and individually sealed to preserve freshness, each one is designed to provide maximum shelf life (1-2 years) without the use of preservatives.


​We designed our teabags with an extra long string, perfect for travel tumblers and today’s larger mugs. Mindful of the environment, our superior teabag is plant based and 100% compostable.

Wild Blueberry Black Teabags

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